
My Bookshelf

These are books that are on my bookshelf. I cannot speak much as to whether you will find them as interesting or valuable as I do, but this is what I spend my money on. I hope that is endorsement enough.


Mastering VMware vSphere 5 by Scott Lowe - Sybex

VMware vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deep Dive by Duncan Epping and Frank Denneman

VMware vSphere Design by Forbes Guthrie - Sybex

Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 5 by Mostafa Khalil - VMware Press

Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 5.0 by Mike Laverick - VMware Press

VMware vSphere® 5 Building a Virtual Datacenter by Eric Maille, René-Francois Mennecier

VMware View 5: Building a Successful Virtual Desktop by Paul O'Doherty

Virtualizing Oracle Databases on vSphere by Kannan Mani, Don Sullivan - VMware Press

DevOps for VMware Administrators by Trevor Roberts, Josh Atwell, Egle Sigler, Yvo van Doorn - VMware Press

General VMware:

Automating vSphere with VMware Orchestrator by Cody Bunch - VMware Press

Critical VMware Mistakes you Should Avoid by Larry Loucks

Maximum vSphere: Tips, How-Tos, and Best Practices by Eric Siebert - Prentice Hall

VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security by Edward Haletky - Prentice Hall

VMware Cookbook by Ryan Troy, Matthew Helmke - O'reilly Press

VCDX Boot Camp: Preparing for the VCDX Panel Defense by John Arrasjid, Ben Lin, Mostafa Khalil

Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments by Sean Crookston, Harley Stagner

Enterprise Java Applications Architecture on VMware by Emad Benjamin

VMware vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT) by VMware vCAT Team

Virtualizing Microsoft Business Critical Application on VMware vSphere by Matt Liebowitz, Alex Fontana


VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating VMware vSphere Automation by Luc Dekens, Alan Renouf, Glen Sizemore, Arnim van Lieshout, and Jonathan Medd - Sybex

Managing VMware Infrastructure with Windows Powershell TFM by Hal Rottenberg - Sapien Press


Train Signal VMware Site Recovery Manager 5 Training

Train Signal VMware vCloud Director Essentials

New: Train Signal Monthly Subscription - all you can eat.


And of course the VMware Technical Documentation and Technical Papers.

Not VMware specific:

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution

Website Security Test